Meaningful Minute: The Thread

A five part series with Rav Judah Mischel

Experiencing Teshuva is an empowering process of discovery, recovery, and uncovery. Join Rav Judah in this 5 part series about how living a life flowing with equanimity, simplicity, and constant awareness of Hashem’s presence.

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Teshuva Is Not Hard | Part 1

Experiencing Teshuva is an empowering process of discovery, recovery, and uncovery. In this first episode, Rav Judah explores and delineates the initial stage ‘Tamim’, and gives a profound story of a rebel’s encounter with the mirrors of the Ruzhiner Rebbe.

Listen: Series Page | Spotify | Apple Podcasts

Never Alone | Episode 2

What is the most essential and crucial trait of Jewish life? In this episode, Rav Judah analyzes the 2nd step of Teshuva: ‘Shevisi’, How to live a life flowing with equanimity and simplicity, and a practical framework that you can implement in your day to increase your constant awareness of Hashem.

Listen: Series Page | Spotify | Apple Podcasts

Love With No Limits | Episode 3

In this episode, Rav Judah brings to light the third phase of Teshuva: ‘Veahavta’, expressing how our relationships with others are our highest form of spiritual expression, how to balance self-esteem and focusing on others, and a Rabbi’s reaction to discovering a hidden television in the yeshiva dormitory.

Listen: Series Page | Spotify | Apple Podcasts

A Lichtege World | Episode 4

Can you connect to the infinite spark within every instance, thing and way? In this episode, Rav Judah explores the fourth step of Teshuva: ‘Bchol’, How to keep the Divine Wi-fi signals open, Expanding our definitions of what the right way to live is, & an incredible technique to elevate your Shabbos table.

Listen: Series Page | Spotify | Apple Podcasts

Revelation Through Concealment | Episode 5

In this last episode, Rav Judah discusses the final stage of the path of Teshuva: ‘Hatznei’, How to cultivate Tznius, Internality, with personal depth and authenticity, How not to discuss Tznius, and taking the journey to Teshuva onward with innerness, expansiveness, & joy.

Listen: Series Page | Spotify | Apple Podcasts