Tzama Nafshi

Rav Judah is founder of Tzama Nafshi, an organization dedicated to fostering Jewish identity, education and engagement.

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Tzama Nafshi (lit. “my soul thirsts”) is dedicated to fostering Jewish identity, education and engagement, committed to working to bridge the ever widening gap between Jews in Israel, and the Diaspora.

Tzama Nafshi recognizes the fundamental spiritual thirst and inner yearning of the individual & collective Jewish soul to connect – with life, learning, tradition, and above all, with each other.

We believe in creating opportunities and the context for Jews of various backgrounds to engage in dialogue, study, and experience the sweetness of Yidishkeit, together.

Through developing meaningful programming for Jews from all walks of life and levels of affiliation to explore and participate in the vibrant spiritual traditions and cultural of Am Yisrael. Our activities & events engage participants in a broad spectrum of programs geared toward strengthening Jewish identity, values & collective responsibility.