Torah Audio Shiurim

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Tzav V’Ziruz - Series

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura - Intro (1) Ups & Downs of Keeping a Spiritual Journal

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (2): Visualizing Tomorrow, Living Today

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (3): On the Outside, Looking In

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (3.5) / Pre-Purim Interlude: The Ghost of Purim Past

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (4): Deep Healing

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (5): Sinning Against Ourselves

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (6): Regretfully Yours

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (7): Treading Water ~ The Tide of Public Opinion

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (9): Our Need for Stimulation

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (10): Individuation

Tzav V'Ziruz Chabura (12): Carving out a Place in this World

Kinnos - Series

Kinah #17- Merciful Jewish Mothers / The Feminine Divine

Kinah #31 - Leaving Mitzrayim, Leaving Yerushalayim- For Elchai Tohar-Lev

Kinah #3: Introduction to Evening Kinos ~ Sitting in the Pain

Motzai Tisha B'Av 5776: Never Say Never

Kinah #26: Yirmiyahu HaNavi in Chevron

Kinah #24: Four Fiery Coals in the Holy of Holies (Har Nof 5775)

Kinah #9 (5774) For Eyal, Gilad & Naftali

Kinah #15: For Kvod Shomayim, Menachem Av- To Console Our Father

Kinah #22: Beyond Words / Fogel Family

Alim L'Trufa - Series

Alim L'Trufa: The Letters of Rebbe Noson of Breslov (1): Sun and Moon, Father & Son, An Honest Introduction

Alim L'Trufa: The Letters of Rebbe Noson of Breslov (2): Exiled, Together

Alim L'Trufa: The Letters of Rebbe Noson of Breslov (3): Ashreinu! (...and Don't be an Againstnick!)

M'Kotzer Ruach: A Deep Breath with Reb Nosson

Alim L'Trufa: The Letters of Reb Nosson of Breslov (Letter #3) Prescription for a Healthy Life

Emes L’Amito: Reb Levi Yitzchak Bender zy”a